Welcome to Green Home Landscape Source
Outdoor spaces at their finest!
Are your home's indoor and outdoor spaces two separate pieces of a puzzle? Is the garden an extension of the home, or vice versa? However you look at it, we believe they are connected, and that they both play an important role in how you work, play, relax, and LIVE!

Green Home Landscape Source
We usually automatically think 'green' when we think about outdoor spaces. Yet may garden practices that we assume are environmentally-friendly simply are not. It is important in the garden or landscape area to educate yourself on what is truly green since our gardens are a reflection of the materials used to build and maintain them.
We have a deep desire to help you gain knowledge in all things green, and outdoor space design plays a large part. This section of our site is dedicated to providing you with helpful and knowledgeable information for every area of your outdoor space. The good news is that more and more green materials are becoming available all the time, making your job easier and more affordable!!
The garden and yard areas are an ever-changing environment; alive, active, full of beauty and life. We here at Green Home Landscape Source want to work in harmony with what nature has given us. Our landscape habits, whether during new construction, or in existing yards and gardens, do matter. There are hundreds of ways to incorporate green practices into every facet of new and existing landscapes. The information we provide is intended to make you more knowledgeable and give you the tools and information necessary to keep your outdoor spaces healthy and green.
We cover all aspects of landscape design, including lawns, gardens and plants, and hardscapes. For other areas of green design and living, please visit our other informational sites which address green home planning, environmentally-friendly products, and green remodeling advice. You can find links to these areas in the upper right corner of the page.
Our passion for outdoor spaces comes from years of experience in landscape design and maintenance. We have the sore backs, dirty fingernails, and green thumbs to show for our dedication! Please visit us at Green Home Landscape Source often, as we will be continually posting new and practical information......when we're not out working or relaxing in our own gardens!
The "Green Home Source Team"
What's New At GHS
We have added Article and Web Search Functions, located at the right sidebar of each site. The top box can be used to search keyword topics for all of our sites which will provide a list of articles and links. Just enter the keyword you wish to search for, such as "green home plans", and you will see all the articles that feature that word grouping from all of our sites. As our site continues to grow with more green related building information being added all the time, the search feature will help keep you informed.The second search box is for your convenience and is a Google search for the entire internet.